Back on Dartmoor around Eylesbarrow and Nun’s Cross

I’d been back from the Lakes for over a week and hadn’t ventured to Dartmoor, a mix of work and poor weather when I had a day off, left me bereft of good walking opportunities. Well I decided to take a gamble on a day were the rain was due to arrive around 2pm, hoping…

Ducks Pool and Great Gnats Head

The day after the walk with the boys to Berra Tor I decided that enough was enough. Yes it was humid and warm. Flies were everywhere and they would eat me, but the hills needed to be walked. It was World Cup final day and despite the big plans being shelved after the semi final…

Langcombe Hill and Grim’s Grave

One of my remaining walks to finish my list and I didn’t really pick the best day for it. I headed out in weather that we have had down here now for 10 days or so. even my previous two walks had similar weather in the main. Parts of this walk will be stunning in…

History on the south moor

Most walks in the area will provide you with a good chance of seeing human’s history on the moor. In this case it was going back as far as 5000 years ago and the settlements at Drizzlecombe, alongside the 19th century mining at Eylesbarrow and finally the 17th century rabbit warren house at Ditsworthy. There…

All around Nun’s Cross

We took advantage of a glorious spring day to get out for our first visit to Nun’s Cross before heading over to Plym Ford and back via Eylesbarrow. The views across Fox Tor mires to the distant North Dartmoor hills are fantastic on this route although it helps to have a bit of blue in…