Hawks Tor, Saddlesborough and the clay works

A short drive today to the South Western corner of the moor and a point which is probably the nearest to home. This area is full of man made scars on the landscape with clay works and tungsten mines to name two of the newer ones. The area is a forever changing landscape, and it…

Whitehill Tor, Hawks Tor and a short drive

Well hello there Dartmoor, I have finally made it back, at least to this little pocket of it anyway, sitting right on the South West edge of the moor. Parts of this walk aren’t actually within the moor boundary (marked by the yellow line on the map below), but for me this is a great…

Crownhill Tor and all around the China Clay works

This was a route hatched on the morning of the walk, one that I’d not done before as a route, although I’d done all of the paths before over many different days out. It looked a fairly good route with good paths all around, however as I’m starting to find out on the south western…

Penn Beacon and Shell Top

Day off work and time for a walk, decision made on an ascent of Penn Beacon and adding on Shell Top for good measure. A good track from Quick Bridge takes you to open moorland just beyond the Lee Moor clay pits, before heading up steeply. Once on top the views are good especially over…