Elsford Rock, Wray Cleave and Shillyrock

With the winter months comes lots of walks along lanes, through woodland and picking off the odd village. This walk certainly had the first two of those, but no villages to speak of, just a house or farm beside a lane to change the view. However what we did have was tors, and lots of them. Like nearby Shaptor Wood, Wray Cleave has tors in between the trees, huge boulders tumbling down the hillside towards the A382 below. There are 6 tors in the woodland to pick off before we popped out on Pepperdon Hole Lane and ascended to another two on Pepperdon Down, that added to Elsford Rock and Shillyrock, made for a productive day tor bagging. That said despite it only being 7 or so miles in length, the days after we were feeling stiff in the legs, the walking up and down the woodland clearly takes a toll. The first time I visited Elsford Rocks and Rose Cottage Rocks, these were my last two tors on my 500 list, this visit helped tick them off on my second round, leaving me around 35 to do. Hopefully I will get these done in 2024 and no doubt I will look into this in my yearly round up post around the New Year. This walk however helped Linda to tick off more tors on her quest to her first 500, she has around 212 to do, which is 288 in around 15 months which is unbelievable going, and we aren’t at the year end yet!!.

Start – Kennick Parking

Route – Elsford Farm – Elsford Rock – Blackingstone Farm – Wray Cleave – Wray Cleave South TorWray Cleave Middle TorWray Cleave Wood TorFurze Park TorWray Barton TorPepperdon Hole Rocks – Pepperdon Hole Lane – Rose Cottage RocksPepperdon Rocks – Pepperdon Down – Shillyrock – Kennick – Little Trenchford Tor

Distance – 7.5 miles    Start time – 11.30am   Time taken – 4hrs 45mins  Highest Point – Pepperdon Down 350 metres

Weather – Cloudy cloud with more cloud and breezy

© Crown copyright 2023 Ordnance Survey FL 2023 SF
Out the car and a view through a gate, across a ploughed field to Black Hill near Haytor
Heading down the lane to Elsford Farm with views to Cosdon Hill in the distance
Turning left here for Elsford Farm
You drop out of the bottom of Elsford Farm (turning right as you reach the buildings and walking past the self catering parts of the farm) and come into East Wray Woods, don’t head downhill here, instead hold the contour and follow the top path. Then turn right and uphill to Elsford Rock.
Great views to Black Hill, Haytor and the east side of Dartmoor from Elsford Rock
Elsford Rock, like many in these parts, a large outcrop
Elsford Rock
And looking south towards Bovey Tracey. We followed a driveway/track back to the road from here and then headed north
Black Hill again as we leave the road over a stile, the path here on the right will take us down to Wray Cleave
Cloudy over Dartmoor, Cosdon Hill just clear of them on the right
Linda heading to Wray Cleave
You cross 3 stiles on the way down here, this one usually delivers you at an overgrown path. Credit to the Dartmoor National Park and the guys from the Tors of Dartmoor team who have cleared this path, it hasn’t been cleared the previous two times I’ve been here. Which means walking the field on the left. This field had curious bullocks in it today, so I was glad for the individuals with their strimmer.
The better news was with the clear path, meant a clear stile into the woods. As you enter the woods, turn left and walk for 30 metres to see Wray Cleave South Tor
Wray Cleave South Tor, now pay attention in here as the tors come thick and fast, with barely 100 metres between each one
We had a stop here for a sandwich and coffee, before we headed to the next tor
Here it is, Wray Cleave Middle Tor, this one tumbles down the hill as you can see.
One part of Wray Cleave Middle Tor
Mushrooms near to Wray Cleave Wood Tor, I am not sure on these ones although Russet Toughshank is a possibility.
This is the first of the recognisable parts of Wray Cleave Wood Tor, the path through this wood, starting near Wray Cleave South Tor has been more clearly marked with wooden stakes, making a much easier walk through here, credit to the DNPA and the guys mentioned above for the signs .
The path drops steeply down through the wood near to Wray Cleave Wood Tor, don’t worry though as it will soon cross the stream and bypass all the horrible bramble, thick brush and bracken.
Following the path over the stream you soon come to Furze Park Tor, both sides of the path as this one drops down like the others
Linda by the path and this part of Furze Park Tor
There were lots of megacrysts in the rock in here, these are probably porphyroblast type megacrysts as they are mainly horizontal.
Wray Barton Tor was next up, to get here we had left the signed path, this is another one that drops downhill in outcrop after outcrop
Wray Barton Tor
The final outcrop in Wray Cleave is Pepperdon Hole Tor. From here to get to Pepperdon Hole Lane involves walking around a fenced off section (possibly from Pepperdon Mines), we probably should have walked under the fenced part, as that could give better access to the lane, unfortunately we went above a through a bit of scrub and bramble to get to the lane.
Pepperdon Hole Rocks
On Pepperdon Hole Lane, a rough looking lane with one house and tricky access down somewhere I wouldn’t fancy driving.
Top of Pepperdon Hole Lane (on the right) Black Hill in the distance on the left and Hameldown at the back
Looking across the area which includes North Bovey village towards the moorland around Fernworthy Reservoir
Pretty much the same view now on the lower outcrop of Rose Cottage Rocks, we climbed up from here before turning left to Pepperdon Rocks
Pepperdon Rocks looking towards Cosdon Hill
The woods by Pepperdon Down, quite enjoyed walking through here across the crunchy leaves. That’s once we had gone past the piles of disused tyres.
No visit to Blackingstone Rock today, however we walked the lane nearby so got this fab view of this massive tor
A quick diversion from the lane to visit Shillyrock or the Druid’s Altar. Well I say quick, the felling of conifers here left me a bit confused as to the track we needed to take. On the way out we passed through more conifers growing which had easily trebled in size since my last visit here in 2021
Back on the lane passing Smithacott Cross
Next we dropped down into the woods near Kennick Reservoir. Linda went looking for some fir to make a Christmas wreath with, we came across a couple of large branches which may have come down in the recent storms, these were perfect.
Final photo for this walk of the Trenchford stream, the reservoir is behind me a short distance away, we walked uphill following the path back to the car, picking bit of holly with berries to complete the wreath. We gathered enough in the end to make two! Another lovely walk with my favourite girl, who has followed me all over the country this year, because of this 2023 is my best for walking. Merry Christmas everyone.

6 thoughts on “Elsford Rock, Wray Cleave and Shillyrock

  1. Worth noting that the work in Wray Cleave is being carried out by Max Piper, Paul Rendell, Tim Brook and Assistant DNPA Ranger Stuart Hooppell. The wood is owned by DNPA and we are improving the signage and infrastructure to enable people to get the most out of their visit. That path was strimmed only a few weeks ago.

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  2. Some Geology references from my Uni days there (I did a short, 1 term course as part of my Geography degree) – I should have taken Geology as it was far more interesting than my actual course

    Liked by 1 person

    • Quite liked reading up about the Dartmoor granite when I did, muscovite and biotite making up the mica (black parts), quartz and feldspar and a bit of amphibole making up the rest. Horizontal jointing, megacrysts etc etc

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  3. What a satisfying walk! I have a friend in Exeter and we were always going to do some of these walks together, but she’s no longer in good health. I shall enjoy them through your eyes. Happy 2024!

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