A grey day around Great Mis Tor

One last walk before we packed the car and headed off for an adventure around Llangollen, Snowdonia and Bolton. This walk was decided on to make sure I could walk the planned Snowdon and Moel Siabod routes and would slightly extend the length I walked around Falmouth, the week before. This was walk 31 of Round 2 and picks up squares L6 and M6. And it worked nicely with no issues regarding my feet, but then again it seems that the cooler weather helps with the walking and Plantar Fasciitis. This is a nice walk, although it does help to do it after a dry spell of weather so that the River Walkham isn’t running high. It also helps if you start a little earlier than we did, as the car park at Four Winds was full by 11.30am so we headed a little further downhill to a lower car park to start out. For this walk there had been some rain in the preceding days, and lots of the crossing points I had used before were under running water, but we managed eventually to get over the river. The area around Greena Ball wasn’t too bad either, as it can be very squelchy across there, but as we headed up to Great Mis Tor the cloud was lowering, and it was starting to mizzle a bit. I’ve not had much luck with Great Mis Tor, with a few poor bits of weather on the summit and only one really good outing up there, with the views that you would expect from nearly 540 metres. Still it’s always nice to be around the back of Great Mis, walking between the two Clay Tors, with one marked by Mr Hemery and the other by Mr Crossing. Maybe we need to time travel to get these two to argue it out!

Start – Great Mis Tor parking

Route – Merrivale Stone Circle and Row – Over Tor – Church Rock – River Walkham – Clay Tor (Hemery) – Dead Lake – Clay Tor (Crossing) – Greena Ball – Great Mis TorLittle Mis Tor – Merrivale parking

Distance – 7 miles    Start time – 11.45am   Time taken – 4hrs 20 mins Highest Point – 538 metres Great Mis Tor

Weather – Cloudy and windy. Cloud lowering on Great Mis Tor

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Looking up the Walkham Valley with Great Mis Tor up on the right and Roos Tor left, we are heading behind us though to look at the Merrivale stone rows and circle.
The hamlet of Merrivale down to the left, behind that left to right is Middle Staple Tor, Great Staple Tor and Roos Tor
Merrivale Stone Row
And the Standing stone just beyond the stone circle. Kings Tor is a short distance away
And the cist on Merrivale with Great Mis Tor, we next head across the road and then down a bit towards the River Walkham
Crossing the road with Merrivale down there
Before we drop down to the Walkham we visit two tors (outcrops), the first is Over Tor
Over Tor to Merrivale and beyond to Pew Tor to the left of the outcrops
Church Rock, with Great Mis Tor up on the hill and Little Mis as well looking like a small box
Down at the River Walkham now and the place where it splits off to become the Grimstone and Sortridge Leat on the right
River Walkham we ended up following it up almost as far as the Hemery Clay Tor before we could cross over safely, just a bit too much water in it for a good crossing in most places.
On the right side of the Walkham now to bag the two Clay Tors, this one is the Hemery one. It did mean however that we need to cross it again at some point to get to Great Mis Tor
As we walked up the river we disturbed a couple of herons fishing
Great Mis Tor above us
The winding River Walkham, we would head around the left hand side of this picture to get to the other Clay Tor (Crossing)
On the Crossing version of Clay Tor is this memorial
Crossing’s Clay Tor, I would normally cross the Walkham down there, but not today we headed back right to look for something better
Linda surveying the river height and crossing places
We’ve crossed the river and we are heading across Greena Ball, a bit soggy in spots but not as bad as I’ve had previously
The cloud drops and skirts our heads, with drizzle in the air. This is one of the military huts on Great Mis Tor
Great Mis Tor and some scale from Linda
I headed up to get some summit photos in a strong wind, back long the main outcrop out into the centre of Dartmoor
Walkham Valley is right as I look off the front of Great Mis Tor
And the other outcrops that make up this tor
Down from Great Mis is its Little cousin
Little Mis Tor and some Dartmoor ponies
As we walk down the track to Four Winds, the farmer comes the other way in his Land Rover
We turned off before Four Winds to get to our parking spot, Kings Tor is back left
And to finish is Merrivale, a fine pub, the Dartmoor Inn sits down there, well worth a visit if you are out here.

3 thoughts on “A grey day around Great Mis Tor

  1. Those Tors have so much character. Little Mis Tor looks huge! I imagine there are some fabulous bouldering problems, if you like that sort of thing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Little Mis looks huge, but put next to Great Mis its a tiddler. There are plenty of climbing and bouldering routes on lots and lots of tors on Dartmoor. Not my thing though


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