Hexworthy, Prince Hall Bridge and Swincombe

A walk before we headed to the Lake District and I’m not quite so sure why I picked this area. When you head to the Lakes you will need your fell walking legs, this area around the centre of Dartmoor is reasonably flat and involves a bit of road walking. So perhaps not the best preparation for that week, but saying that, it is a lovely area with lots to see. There are bridges, old farms, some tors, a mine, a church and a pub, so plenty to pack into the 9 miles. We started out in Hexworthy, parking by the pub and heading off to pick up the Dartmoor 365 square of Jolly Lane Cottage, before heading down the road, across the bridge and up to the chapel of St Raphael’s. We then headed to Huccaby Tor and out on to the moor proper, looping around to Dunnabridge Pound. Next, we had a bit of road walking to get us to Prince Hall and the lovely bridge, which leads out on to some classic Dartmoor terrain around Royal Hill. The two abandoned farms around Swincombe Bridge come after that, where we then crossed the River Swincombe. We were near to the Dartmoor square of Swincombe reservoir and the rocks of the same name, so we took a quick detour for an out and back to pick those up. All that was left was to walk the lane back to Hexworthy, watching all the practicing ten tors groups as we went. This was the weekend before the event, which involves 400 groups of 6 teenagers, tramping for 35, 45 or 55 miles across the northern moor. It is organised by the forces and involves around 20 manned posts across the moor, of which 10 need to be visited by the teams on their route. My youngest son was involved in the 35 mile version, and the following week involved ensuring his kit was all ready and a nervous wait for the off. I’ll post about how things went in my next walk, which will be our first walk in the Lake District.

Start – Hexworthy

Route – Jolly Lane Cottage – Hexworthy Bridge – St Raphael’s ChapelHuccaby TorDunnabridge PoundDunnabridgeLower Cherrybrook Bridge – Prince Hall – Prince Hall BridgeLower Swincombe FarmJohn Bishops HouseSwincombe BridgeSwincombe ReservoirHigher Swincombe RocksGobbet Mine – Hexworthy – Forest Inn

Distance – 9 miles  Start time – 11.45am  Time taken – 4hrs 30mins  Highest Point – Above Dunnabridge Pound 370 metres

Weather – Rain to start, then sunshine and white fluffy clouds

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We started out in mizzle, a bit dejected as the forecast had promised sun the night before, and then changed as I checked it after waking up to rain. We hoped the adjusted forecast, of sun to follow the rain, was right. We’d parked just beyond the pub, looking back to the pub here with the memorial stone
And the war memorial cross
Jolly Lane Cottage, one of the D365 squares
Hexworthy Bridge with the West Dart running under it
St Raphael’s chapel, still drizzling
And inside the chapel, which was once a school, the backs of the pews tilt to make a table and a bench for the school. Note the dunce cap on the left.
Probably the most apt photo placed on the blog!!
As we climbed up the road heading towards Huccaby Tor we catch a glimpse of the West Dart below us
Huccaby Tor now and a gloomy view to Ryders Hill
Bellever Tor barely in view from Huccaby Tor, we tucked in under a rock here for a coffee and considered our options.
Deciding that the drizzle was easing a little we carried on towards Dunnabridge Pound
The shelter at Dunnabridge and Linda hiding from the last of the wet stuff. We decided to wait here a little longer and have lunch to allow the brighter skies to get a bit closer.
A chaffinch came along, now the rain had finished, to look for their own lunch
I think the white building is Dunnabridge farm, in the valley will be the West Dart river
Looking back down to Dunnabridge Pound, the walled circle behind the house in the trees. Between me and there is Dunna Bridge itself
A bit of road walking, the mast at Princetown behind
Lower Cherrybrook Bridge
We turned left here and down the driveway, which is a footpath
Erm, not sure what to say about this
Plenty of gorse as we approach Prince Hall Bridge a lovely spot to sit for a coffee. Some blue sky overhead as well
Unfortunately this fella was lay about 10 metres from the bridge so we carried on
West Dart again, Bellever Tor in the distance
Typical terrain as we head across the corner of Royal Hill, again Bellever Tor at the back
Down Ridge and Skir Hill ahead, we are not going that far today, the River Swincombe sits between us and there and we will follow that. The sun makes an appearance now.
Looking towards the Fox Tor area, lovely.
Swincombe Farm and the walls, lanes, lonnings and buildings that make it up
John Bishop’s House
Swincombe Bridge over the River Swincombe
We decided on and out and back to Swincombe Reservoir, the sun was warm walking along here.
All smiles as we approach the reservoir
Swincombe Reservoir, I believe there were plans to make this much bigger and flood the valley, thankfully plenty protested and got it stopped.
Swincombe Rocks, lots of boulders either side of the path
Again the gorse is in abundance here, smelling of honey as well.
Looking back to Swincombe Bridge, the reservoir is around the corner to the left as you follow the valley back.
Gobbet Mine entrance, they mined tin here for 40 years in the mid 1800s
Lovely scene from central Dartmoor, showing how green and farmed this area can be.
The top of the Forest Inn comes into view after the Gobbet Mine. Yar Tor up on the left
Nearly back at the car
The other adit entrance for Gobbet Mine on the hillside up there. All that was left to do was have a quick pint of Dartmoor Legend in the pub and then head home. A lovely area of Dartmoor which gives views to plenty of higher tors and tougher walking areas, without taking on any of it yourself.

7 thoughts on “Hexworthy, Prince Hall Bridge and Swincombe

    • Makes sense John, the ascent/descent amount on the coastal path really increases fitness far more than the moors. We did Port Quin to Dannonchapel this weekend, about a 14mile loop and I was broken when I got back

      Liked by 1 person

      • When I was about 20, we used to do -just walking – Exmouth to Beer and back and still be home for the TV at 6 PM. Wish I was that fit now!

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