Trendlebere Down, Water Rock and Yarner Woods

This was a walk to pick off 3 of my tors that I needed for my Round 2. To be honest there is very little need to go to Water Cleave Rock otherwise, as its a horrid walk in, especially near to the main path which drops down from Water to the Clam bridge. There are plenty of ankle twisting rocks, high levels of greenery and boggy streams running downhill, horrible stuff. Thankfully either side of this the walk is fairly straight forward, plenty of good paths, some nice river walking, an excellent woodland in Yarner Woods and finally Trendlebere Down which has some lovely views. We started from the main car park and picked off Trendlebere Tor, which sits on a spur sticking out towards Lustleigh Cleave. Then along the road to Becky Falls, but we didn’t pay to get in and instead we joined the path, after the entrance, through the woods to Water. From the village we dropped into woodland again, doing out and backs to Water Cleave Tor and Water Rock, the latter being our lunch stop. Next we dropped to the Lustleigh Clam Bridge and a nice walk alongside the River Bovey to Hisley Bridge. We carried on past the bridge to reach the road, turning uphill and entering Yarner Woods, where I spent most of the time chasing butterflies and trying to get a picture of Peacocks, Brimstones and Meadow Browns. Giving up we headed out on to Trendlebere Down to the car, finishing with some lovely blue skies and fluffy white clouds.

Start – Lustleigh parking

Route – Trendlebere Tor – Becky Falls – Water – Latchell TorWater Cleave TorWater RockLustleigh ClamHoundtor Wood Bridge 2Hisley Bridge – Yarner Wood – Trendlebere Down

Distance – 7 miles  Start time – 11.20am  Time taken – 4hrs  Highest Point – Trendlebere Down 250 metres

Weather – Nice sunshine to start, bit of drizzle around Water (ironically) and lovely sunshine to finish

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Starting out there was thin cloud above with sunny patches, this is the main car park on Trendlebere Down, you can see the car with the boot open over there, and Linda gathering the bags ready for the off.
Lustleigh Cleave is the dip down to the right and the Lustleigh ridge above that, we will be walking along the road for a couple of hundred yards before turning right and down slightly along a spur
On the spur now, I think that’s Hayne Down in the centre
Plenty of bluebells out today
Trendlebere Tor or the higher rocks for this tor, more is lower down
Trendlebere Tor sits on some steep ground as it drops towards the Becka Brook below
More of Trendlebere Tor
Next we headed for a short distance along the road towards Becky Falls, this leat on the right took water to Bovey pottery in Bovey Tracey
I think this is Becky Falls Tor, it sits by the roadside and is easily seen from there
We walked past the entrance/exit to Becky Falls resisting the extortionate entry price and carried on to the woodland track towards Water
Kestor Inn in Water, bit early in the walk for a drink!
Through the lovely cottages in Water
As you re-enter the woods after Water you reach Latchell Tor, more rocks for this one in the trees behind. We would carry on along the path which heads down to the Lustleigh Clam Bridge, we would get there but not before two deviations to two tors.
This is Water Cleave Tor and there’s no good way to this one, I’ve been in from both sides and there is no real good way in, you could come up the hill from the river at the bottom but the only path is in from the south, which is the way we came. Once you leave the path you will hit boggy sludgy ground, mixed in with rocks, branches, fallen trees and banks. Get through that 100 metres and you will find a path which follows the fence. We left the way we went in.
Plenty of outcrops here though at Water Cleave Tor
The ground around the tor is good and the path follows the fence away
Primrose by the path the Water Rock
Water Rock
We had lunch at Water Rock, Linda below gets out the sarnies, think she’s a keeper!
After lunch the sun started to come out again and we arrived next at the Clam Bridge over the River Bovey, its basically two tree trunks balanced and secured across the river with a support in the middle of the two trunks. Its got a handrail but the health and safety police want it gone, despite it being here for 150 years. The trunks have been replaced a few times but they wanted rid, thankfully local people fought to keep it and instead they built a brick and wooden structure next to it, on the right here.
River Bovey, plenty of water after all the rain in April
The path follows the river towards Hisley Bridge, with one slight diversion to get over the Becka Brook (Becky Falls) as it joins the river
Houndtor Bridge as it crosses the brook, there’s a granite structure upstream over this brook as well on the path towards Water
Hisley Bridge, in some lovely sunshine, the temperature was starting to warm up nicely at this point
It had got pretty warm on the steep climb out of the valley. We are now on the road near to Reddaford Water reservoir, Yarner Wood is on the left here we just need to head along the road a little to find a gate into it.
Now through the gate and following the path uphill through the woods
I’d spent 30 mins chasing butterflies as we walked through Yarner Wood, my only success was this Peacock. Many Brimstones and Meadow Browns escaped me.
Looking out across Yarner Wood
The gate where we left the wood and headed back out across Trendlebere Down
Lovely clouds and blue skies, the area around Shaptor Wood in the centre of the photo
Trendlebere Down and more fluffy clouds
Hayne Down up on the left, Easdon Tor in the centre and the treetopped hill to the infront and to the right of Easdon Tor is Manaton Rocks. Back at the car now and I doubt this is a walk we will repeat exactly, although plenty of the areas will be revisited as they offer some superb walking.

9 thoughts on “Trendlebere Down, Water Rock and Yarner Woods

  1. It certainly gives you a sense of freedom being on the moors. I definitely prefer the uphill walk to heading down as the ones I do regularly have pea gravel to contend with. Lovely walk and one I would enjoy.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I do wish they’d drop the saccharine Becky in favour of the proper Becka. I recall you used to have to trespass Yarner Wood when I was young.

    Liked by 1 person

    • They’ve made a decent job of Yarner Wood, some nice wide paths looping around the whole place so plenty to see in there. Agree about Becky Falls, never a fan of anywhere that wants you to pay for a naturally occurring thing like a waterfall or river walk, its not like they did anything to create it

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Does Linda share your fondness for chasing butterflies or does she roll her eyes in exasperation when you go into “butterfly mode” (I know of another blogger whose better half finds it a little tiresome! 🤣)

    Completely agree on the “charging to look at natural features”

    Liked by 1 person

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