Ugborough Beacon and Creber’s Rock

So the day before Christmas Eve and we were scouring the weather reports, to decide on the best day to walk over the festive period. Both myself and Linda were in work between Christmas and New Year, meaning we had a 4 day window to plan at least one walk. Looking at the weather, we had 3 days of compete wash out weather and one were it was going to be very windy and heavy showers. We took a gamble on 23rd December, hoping that any rain would blow through quickly. As it was it was windy every day and pretty much the same weather, apart from Boxing Day when it poured. Starting late, (due to libations taken the previous evening) we managed to dodge the rain until we started to climb to Ugborough Beacon, then it stopped until we were on the last half mile to the car. We had a quick stop on top of Ugborough Beacon, alongside another couple, we both remarked that we must be mad. We descended to Creber’s Rock before looping onto Wrangaton golf course below. The course is currently closed and up for sale, although you have always been able to walk the public footpaths across the moorland part of the course. A nice little walk that set us up for the festivities, but please just some sun would be lovely.

Start – South Brent parking

Route – Peek Moor Gate – Owley – Owley Moor Gate – Owley Corner – Ugborough BeaconEastern BeaconCreber’s Rock – Wrangaton Golf Course – Peek Moor Gate

Distance – 3.5 miles    Start time – 12.30pm   Time taken – 1hr 45mins  Highest Point – 371 metres Ugborough Beacon

Weather – Drizzly, low cloud, very windy

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Our start point of Peek Moor Gate, we followed the road right out of this photo, we would return through that gate. Lady’s Wood on the right which is a Dartmoor 365 square.
Brent Hill in the distance as we walked the road to Owley
The road to Owley, I think the hill seen through the trees is Corringdon Ball
We’ve walked up through Owley Moor Gate, and turned at Owley Corner (the wall down there). We could have carried on straight and left here up to Spurrells Cross, but chose the direct route, which was tough on our legs and longer than it looked.
Rain passing over Brent Hill and a bit of a rainbow suggesting there was some sun, somewhere.
Linda approaching Ugborough Beacon (another D365 square), she always mentions that I get photos of her from behind. I will look to do more front photos in 2024! The couple already here are hunkered behind the outcrop to the left of Linda, we chose the left hand outcrop as the wind was barreling in from the right.
A few outcrops up on Ugborough Beacon, looking from one to t’other. The cloud was dropping and rising the time we were up here.
Cloud base starting to form and this gives us a view to Western Beacon
Back from one to t’other on Ugborough Beacon
Heading down to Creber’s Rock
Creber’s Rock
Creber’s Rock with Western Beacon on the right hand side, there are some crepuscular rays piercing the clouds over Ivybridge
Approaching the golf course
On to the golf course now, the greens need a cut but it looks as though it stopped trading late summer/early autumn and hasn’t had a cut since. The sheep and ponies however do keep this moorland section trimmed.
Think this is/was the 8th green. Shame really as I played here in my youth, and these green areas are always better than a housing estate.
Heading back to the car now, rainbows again over the South Brent area.
Brent Hill and South Brent as we walk the path around the base of Ugborough Beacon
One last look back
The rain had started again making the area look spooky and misty again, I particularly liked the shapes of the trees on the right and we walked back to Peek Moor Gate

4 thoughts on “Ugborough Beacon and Creber’s Rock

  1. We were able make it to sunnier climbs over Xmas and New Year. The tales of weather woe back home were relentless and my home county of Herefordshire suffered very badly from floods. Looks like walks had to be grabbed in short bite size chunks

    Liked by 1 person

    • If you were out for more than a couple of hours you would be getting wet, the wind was pretty fierce throughout as well. Your home area and across towards Nottinghamshire seemed to be hit very badly, again

      Liked by 1 person

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